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Tips For Mixed Media Artists Who Want To Make Money Series 3 - Part 3 -- Branding Recommendations To Help You Right Now!

Have you read a bazillion posts about branding and how to go about building your business identity to only still be struggling? Are you an artist, creative entrepreneur, or solopreneur that refuses to give up but are still grasping at straws? This Part 3 of Series 3 is for artists that are tired of spinning their wheels to see little to no return.

I want to share with you....

Five strategic recommendations that are going to be vital as your creative journey progresses into building your brand and your business becoming increasingly successful.

-This post contains affiliate links. Please read further about this on my disclaimer and resources pages.

1. Here's the thing

Don't be afraid to invest a small amount from your budget at first on a few necessary quality enhancing commodities. I highly recommend getting your own domain specifically tailored to your brand, for your website and blog and also a photo designer/image editor.

I invested in the wrong areas too quickly which set me back a few months on my creative journey! I wanted to warn about this and also encourage to not jump ahead too quickly as it will be a very costly mistake. I use BeFunky to create my pinnable images for my blog posts, social media banners, and advertising images. The blank templates can accomplish this without the added expense of a membership, the free edition includes the specific dimensions for each social media outlet on these templates making it very simple to include your branding personality.

2. Manually Pin to Pinterest

Tailwind is awesome for scheduling yours and others' pins, however, do not underestimate the power of manually pinning in addition to Tailwind! I got on the Tailwind bandwagon from the start of my blog, however, I quickly exceeded my limit and began purchasing boosts, which add up quickly. I wish I would have stuck with just 5 tribes that the free edition allows and built those up slowly focusing more on the quality of each post instead of the approach that I attempted.

3. Sharing and being social

Social media is for being social and not just advertising? Say what?!

Don't forget about your personal social media once you get your professional business social media going. Buyers want to see that you have a life outside of work. Try to post some kind of update to your personal accounts, doesn't have to be specific and should still be professional but with a more friendly view of your world. Post ideas include #Behindthescenes photo, #Workinprogress photo, or #Openstudio with a sneak peak on your latest inspirations.

To help you further on your social media strategy, I recommend reading further by clicking here. This will take you to another blogger's page that offers an ebook as well as a workbook for a reasonable price that will transform your campaign to get you to where you want to be.

4. So get this!

I spent almost an entire month running around in circles before I sat down and started putting everything into perspective. I have a Bachelor of Business Admin degree but what good does that do if I'm not putting it to use and sharing what I already know with my loyal readers!

It's like having a hammer without nails let alone even knowing what a hammer is used for. As I stared at my laptop screen one night around 3am with my 6th can of Coca-cola trying to fight the zzzz's from overwhelming my concentration, I realized I had to change something. What I was doing was not working anymore. According to Einstein, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome.

I wasn't sure where I was going wrong though but I knew I had to figure it out and make some huge adjustments relatively quickly. I had invested my own money into resources that were not serving me anymore. I started out using the Blog feature on my website that is hosted by Vango Art. As I quickly realized, I had absolutely no access to the HTML information to implement visually inspiring images that I wanted to add to enhance my posts. Being an artist this element was a no-brainer that I needed to be able to add more than just words to my blog. Then I switched my host for my blog over to Blogger, as I couldn't afford to buy an annual WordPress blog package and for some reason I just liked Blogger, however, I bit more difficult to get used to. The more I use Blogger and read others' posts on other hosts I can clearly see that its fitting into my strategic plan really nicely after the initial struggle.

5. Rome wasn't built in a day

The goal for the entire Mixed Media Artists Who Want To Make Money series' is to share with you a detailed treasure map with a business development focus to steer you into a long-term plan that will give you momentum, classiness, and gradual exposure in the creative world. I believe that this method reaches the most conservative art collectors, gains the most commissions for original artworks, and keeps your sales higher than average as repeat clientele builds.

To reach the right people and to not sell yourself short keep in mind that you will not get rich overnight. Those awesomely generic looking tall pins that claim they made super money just a click-bait. Don't let them fool you! I've clicked on way too many to know better now. Once you actually read through their blog post (if you get that far and the link isn't broken), most if not all of these lures you into clicking on them but do not deliver anything as promised.

Hopefully, these 5 recommendations reached you with a new long-term view that will serve you well!

One more thing...

I'm almost finished with my online course based off of this series! Sign up below to get an exclusive preview of the additional benefits of this course.


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