Does life ever bore you? Do you ever get complaints that others are bored on a normal day to day basis? I completely understand! Instead of wondering what to do when you're bored, I'm pressing the brake pedal and laying out a nice list for anyone that also has this issue! As I wasn't sure what this word, "bored" actually meant I thought I'd start off with this exact dilemma as the first thing to do! 1.) Research the actual word, "bored". Go ahead type it right into Google and have a look! See there I did it for you....which probably still makes this post even more boring and now I'm even further behind on stuff that I need to be doing....which is not boring....hmm think about that one....wait for no nevermind that might actually bore you more....Maybe, this is perhaps why people are texting me that they are bored. Or I'm taking it the wrong way, since I'm completely introverted and have a mental list of things to do