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Showing posts from November 26, 2017

Inspiration When You're Stuck In A Rut To Boost Your Creativity!

D o you ever feel as if your art is all beginning to look and feel the same? Or do you ever hit a roadblock where you cannot seem to come up with anything new? Creativity not flowing as freely as usual? I had a few people bring this topic up recently inside and outside of the art world. Stress, life changing events, and the winter blues can stifle a mind into numbness blocking brilliant ideas. I wanted to share my revelations on this! Even if you aren't stuck in a proverbial "rut" it is always interesting to hear others' motivating ideas!   Here are 10 ways to get your mind out of the frozen depths of Atlantis and into a better zone! -This post contains affiliate links. When clicked and a sale is made I earn a commission from that sale at no additional cost to you! 1.) Do something completely different outside of your normal everyday routine. Something as simple as taking a different road that you normally don't go down, this simple change can a