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Showing posts from December 10, 2017

5 Quick & Easy Last Minute Gifts For Any Occasion

Scrambling around in a panic before a family birthday gathering after the invitation made it to your phone merely a few hours prior? Have you received a graduation party invitation but don't want to be cliche and just fork over money in a card? Could you not make up your mind on what to get someone right before Xmas and waited until the last second? Or were piled high with important obligations and late nights awake getting things done that you didn't even realize the next gift-giving holiday arrived until the day of the event? If so, this list of 5 quick and easy last minute gifts for any occasion will save you in those awkward moments! -This post contains affiliate links. After you complete your purchase from one of these links I receive a small commission that I utilize to keep this reading material free of charge. 1.) A card with money (or just a card) Go to Dollar Tree or Dollar General and browse the cards section and purchase 1 card for the following o

Shipping Artwork - 5 Hacks For Packaging Your Art

    Woohoooooooooooooooo! A sale! After the initial victory dance and your heart rate settles....its time to start packing up your masterpiece and shipping it off! I put together 5 hacks to make this process a little easier! (This post contains affiliate links. When clicked and a sale is made I earn a commission from that sale!)     ***Bonus Tip*** Don't use garbage bags or any materials that will carry smells (such as that sandwich you warmed up in the microwave for lunch), paper towels, old shredded newspaper, or sandwich bags.        ***Make sure to write on the outside of the box with a Sharpie FRAGILE and PLEASE KEEP UPRIGHT! DO NOT LAY FLAT***   These hacks should help make things a bit easier and hopefully, the shipping part goes well! Leave me a comment or follow me on Instagram @beachglasslove2! Thank you for reading!

Art Supplies: Craft Acrylic Paint and Acrylic Paint

H ave you ever wandered down the aisle of your local craft store and wondered where to start?  W hat to use for which part of your painting? I've done the same..... In this post I am going to run through some basics when using acrylics ***This post contains affiliate links. There are links on this post that when clicked lead to other websites that will open in a separate tab in your browser. When you purchase through the affiliate link I earn a small commission from that sale at no additional cost to you! I only use affiliated products that I have personally used and recommend ! Soft Body Daler Rowney System 3 Acrylic is my favorite softer body but yet smooth acrylic that spreads easily. After the first coat dries a second layer is definately needed. Very easy to mix with other colors either on the palette or on the painting itself and smoothly blends! This is actually considered a student grade medium body however, I believe this is more higher qual

Beach Glass Vs Sea Glass

Who else is missing the beach this time of year?! Spring is officially here, and as the weather perks up I'm seeing more and more avid beach lovers along the shores setting their sights on those mysterious beauties known as beach glass amongst other treasures and of course Lake Erie finally thawing out! I was spoiled enough to venture out the last week as the schizo temperature in North Eastern Ohio had a vast incline to 55 degrees! In tribute to the waters.....being unfrozen...I felt that when I originally posted this infographic that I would eventually elaborate on it further when the time seemed right. This couldn't be a more perfect time as Spring is in the air and Easter is right around the corner! -This post contains affiliate links. If clicked on it will take you to their website, and if you buy and/or use their services I earn a commission with no additional cost to you! Beach Glass I'm going to start off with the one that I know way more abou