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Shipping Artwork - 5 Hacks For Packaging Your Art



Woohoooooooooooooooo! A sale!

After the initial victory dance and your heart rate settles....its time to start packing up your masterpiece and shipping it off! I put together 5 hacks to make this process a little easier!
(This post contains affiliate links. When clicked and a sale is made I earn a commission from that sale!)


    ***Bonus Tip***
    Don't use garbage bags or any materials that will carry smells (such as that sandwich you warmed up in the microwave for lunch), paper towels, old shredded newspaper, or sandwich bags.   


    ***Make sure to write on the outside of the box with a Sharpie FRAGILE and PLEASE KEEP UPRIGHT! DO NOT LAY FLAT***

    These hacks should help make things a bit easier and hopefully, the shipping part goes well! Leave me a comment or follow me on Instagram @beachglasslove2! Thank you for reading!


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