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5 Quick & Easy Last Minute Gifts For Any Occasion

5 Quick & Easy Last Minute Gifts For Any Occasion

Scrambling around in a panic before a family birthday gathering after the invitation made it to your phone merely a few hours prior? Have you received a graduation party invitation but don't want to be cliche and just fork over money in a card? Could you not make up your mind on what to get someone right before Xmas and waited until the last second?

Or were piled high with important obligations and late nights awake getting things done that you didn't even realize the next gift-giving holiday arrived until the day of the event? If so, this list of 5 quick and easy last minute gifts for any occasion will save you in those awkward moments!

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1.) A card with money (or just a card)

Go to Dollar Tree or Dollar General and browse the cards section and purchase 1 card for the following occasions: generic happy birthday, blank happy birthday, sappy mother's day, sweet & kind mothers day, caring condolences, blank congratulations, balloons congratulations, doves congratulations, graduation cap congratulations,

By keeping an arsenal of occasion cards handy in a safe spot, you will not have to scramble around at the last minute when a celebration is in order. There are some events that money in a card or just the card will not suffice, therefore, keep reading.

2.) Graduation gifts other than money in a card

If they are graduating from high school and they plan on going to college soon, here are some ideas for great gifts that aren't the generic cash in a card:

3.) Keep a stash of various gifts from clearance sales

Those clearance sale bins that you cringe at while attempting to maneuver the aisles as the carts have gotten bigger and the stores have become smaller lately can become your best allies when push comes to shove. The key is not to just give them the gift off this sale counter but to take that item and remake it into something presentable so that the person receiving it deems it as the best thing that someone gave them.

To achieve this you are going to need to plan ahead. Always be collecting clearance bin items when you see something that can be transformed within the next few weeks and able to be finished to be put into an area where it will stay on standby until the moment arrives that it will be needed.

4.) Start utilizing a bullet journal to plan better

You would not be in this situation in the first place if you had written this into your month by month bullet journal planner! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, I go into complete detail in the course I launched yesterday that is not only for artists but also for anyone that is stuck in the sand and can't figure out how to move forward! Its called Artists Let's Make Money, and I recommend that you at the least take a look at the value you could be giving to yourself and others.

5.) Give the gift of an experience

Instead of physically giving them something, take one of the cards that you saved from #1 and write on any blank area a simple note saying that you propose the offer of an adventure for ______x,y,z. The most important aspect of this is that you actually fulfill your promise and over deliver!

For example, you might write, 'clear your schedule, we are about to embark on a mission that involves exploring the local park, having lunch at the golden arches, combating the native inhabitants in order to feed our livelihood, and exploring to your favorite venue of choice'. They will absolutely love that they are in complete control for the day even if they are too introverted to admit such, you will know by their secret smile that you can steal when they think you aren't looking.


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