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Showing posts from June 3, 2018

Still working on my masterpiece....For those who can't color inside the lines

Are you having an issue finding your creative muse/voice lately? That's OK, it won't always be by your side like most others. I hate to be the bearer of bad news though that it is up to you to re-find that vital piece of creativity! I'll show you the path but its ultimately you that has to find yourself among this path that's already been walked down by many! You can do it, I know you can, you just need a breath of fresh air that's all! -This post does contain affiliate links from Blick Art Materials. If you see a graphic or hyperlink that seems as though it may hop over to another does in another tab or window on your browser so that you don't have to right click and figure it out. I will receive a commission if you make a purchase or utilize a service after you start clicking these just as a fair warning that I have to give thanks to GD.....Huh.....I mean R.....P..... If you want to read more regarding such I updated my disclosure and privacy