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I'm Rachel Town, creative entrepreneur and professional artist!

Nice to meet you and thank you for visiting my blog!

I'm here to help make your life more wealthy of quality and trustworthy knowledge that you can use to your benefit for increased success.


Sharing my knowledge with others' through this blog to further their success by delivering powerful honest posts that adhere to 5 core values listed below.


Enhancing other entrepreneurs' lives, collaborating with fellow bloggers, and developing key relationships allowing each side of a professional teeter totter to ultimately balance itself out so that both sides view such as a win-win.

Core Values

  1. Transparency- Like looking through a see-through wall being able to see right through the main message that I want you to take away additionally, when I make a mistake I will not cower and disappear instead I will admit to such and set forth a plan to correct it. 
  2. Credibility- If I do not know something I research it and link back to where I found it giving credit to other bloggers/websites. 
  3. Responsibility- Average monthly finished blog posts can be expected to be at the least 18-20 posts predicted for if it happens to be a short month or the flu gets in the way or my son becomes ill.
  4. Accountability- Getting stuff done when you said you would get it done. Collaborating with other bloggers through FB groups, Tailwind tribes, and Pinterest group boards doing what you should be doing and boosting others' as well as asking for any help needed.
  5. Truth- Empowering and encouraging my readers to be the best that they can be and share with them my knowledge is the best feeling that I have accepted within myself to actually flip the switch of awareness and shed my introverted shell. 

Short-term Goals

Smart Goal #1:

S(pecific) - I plan to blog 5-6 days a week by 10pm EST until November 2018. Each post will be relevant to what my readers want as they have shown me by their click-through rate on my posts and by subscribing to my incentives within each post.

M (easurable) - I want to make sure that my readers are actually getting value out of what I am posting therefore I analyze my data daily.

A (ttainable) - Recontenting older posts and offering better ideas and resources so that my audience is more engaged.

R(elevant) - This goal is highly relevant as my entire mission to share with you everything that I know and deliver you a real world experience coming from an educated and around the world perspective.

T(ime-limited) - 5-6 days a wk/ by 10pm EST until November 2018, one week before this time span ends I will amend this goal to better serve my mission for the future!

Smart Goal #2:

S (pecific ) - Going live by the end of next week (April 13, 2018) an online on-demand course, Artists Let's Make Money which is based off of the entire series for mixed media artists that want to make money posts.

M (easurable) - I endeavor to deliver more action-oriented information in this course that simply cannot be expressed on a blog.

A(ttainable) - Launch is set forth to be April 13, 2018.

R(elevant) - In order to share my passion with my loyal followers and I have to communicate what I have to offer by sharing it appropriately instead of updating things without sharing. The teaching style that I utilize throughout this course is a mix of Prezi presentation + Audio enhanced video, Talking head demonstration, group discussions, quizzes, and Powerpoint/Prezi slides that are available to download as a PDF and print prior to beginning the course so that you are all ready to go.

T(ime limited) - .April 13, 2018 - July 13, 2018

Smart Goal #3:

S(pecific) - Collaborate, network, and connect with other bloggers by featuring 5 different blogs every week showcasing their high quality content, reliable information, and professionalism. Communicating that their blog has made the cut directly after the weekly Feature Tuesday goes live making this exclusive and promoting an emphasis on quality over quantity.

M(easurable) - I want to see an increase in collaborations, features, and blog takeovers for other bloggers as well as my blog.

A(ttainable) - I will work to include other blog categories, bloggers from different cultural backgrounds and locations as well.

R(elevant) - I believe that helping other bloggers by sharing with my readers other great valuable writers its a win-win situation and opportunity opener.

T(ime limited) -  I will continue Feature Tuesday until November 2018 when I will re-evaluate all goals and plan accordingly.


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