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Still working on my masterpiece....For those who can't color inside the lines

Still working on my masterpiece....For those who can't color inside the lines

Are you having an issue finding your creative muse/voice lately? That's OK, it won't always be by your side like most others. I hate to be the bearer of bad news though that it is up to you to re-find that vital piece of creativity! I'll show you the path but its ultimately you that has to find yourself among this path that's already been walked down by many! You can do it, I know you can, you just need a breath of fresh air that's all!

-This post does contain affiliate links from Blick Art Materials. If you see a graphic or hyperlink that seems as though it may hop over to another does in another tab or window on your browser so that you don't have to right click and figure it out. I will receive a commission if you make a purchase or utilize a service after you start clicking these just as a fair warning that I have to give thanks to GD.....Huh.....I mean R.....P..... If you want to read more regarding such I updated my disclosure and privacy policy.

Within this last week, I've run into some creative minds that had me thinking in a different perspective. Here are 10 creative ideas that I've gathered during this latest exploration to help you get back on track and finding your own "muse" so that you're creations can resonate like never before.

1.) Make a purposeful mess

Like the Blick Art Materials affiliate ad to your right showing an awesome example of this, squeeze some paint onto your canvas and just start painting. The hardest part of finding your creativeness sometimes is because you are anxious or stressed which releases cortisol into your system and is a known blocker to further openness, stifling your muse before you even get past the first check point!

2.) Open your mind

You are never quite done. Just accept this little known fact of life and repeat, "you are never done". If you think you are done then that's awesome because you have to be done at some point in the physical sense but on an emotional level you have to let go in order to be ready to move on to your next work of art.

3.) Patience

Patience is a virtue and don't let it go on for too long though. Sometimes you have to just ride it out though, I know this is not what you want to be reading right now but sometimes taking a few days "off" can help tremendously.

4.)  Acceptance

You are going to fall on your face sometimes figuratively, just accept this as yet another fact and move on as quick as humanly possible.

5.) Growth

Growth cannot happen until you've fallen on your face a few times and learned why you did so. If you do not learn why you fell on your face in the first place then you will never grow past this point.

6.) Finish what you started

If you started painting a canvas or creating something and lost your "muse" in the middle you must go against the grain and finish what you started. It might be the entire reason why you are reading this in the first place, however, you are the creator of that particular piece. You must determine the ending since you started it, as every beginning has some sort of end point to some degree. Keep in mind that this process can also be based on a continuum and reoccurring.

7.) Be honest

When you need more time or if you didn't mean to be late to an important event! Always have good manners and be up front if you honestly made a mistake when someone tries to help you.

8.) Don't give away just anything

So you're stuck, we've all been there.... don't start selling yourself short because your clients have noticed also. This is not the time to start discounting your precious artworks or offering deals that you aren't ready for! Those decisions need to be made from a different mindset that you may not be in right now so hold off on those until you've collected yourself a little more!

9.) Reach out to others

If you think you're alone right now, think again.... There are so many others that lose their sight within the process that you might as well reach out or just take a look at what else might be out there and it could actually help get you back on track. Here is a link that I found that I am in no way affiliated with however, my sweet bestie cousin sent this over to me and it definitely got me back on track in many departments so I wanted to share with my readers! 10.) Its a process

Its the worth the wait, enjoy the journey as it unfolds. Sometimes its not something that you can rush, but you ultimately must have a master plan.

I hope that you enjoyed this post, its been a while since I wrote last and I apologize. I won't get into the "blah blah blah's" of the why, however, I will leave off by asking that you like/follow my Facebook Page as there is currently a giveaway going on that you don't want to miss out!


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