Are you someone that runs a business but yet needs enough space every day to refuel your mind? Do you ever feel like hiding when the pressure rises but somehow find the willpower to just keep on going while the world wonders in awe? Welcome introverted entrepreneurs, we've all had those days when we defy an explanation. As I'm writing this I start to actually get a little antsy as my most popular post to date was all about us popping out at the correct moments then retreating back into the proverbial shell. Admitting this to everyone makes me a little uneasy as I stop myself from retreating into my art studio and internalizing further, I won't leave you in the dark. Instead, I'm going to extend my neck out a bit farther and shine a flashlight on the shadows that might be following with four tips to level the dynamics of your surrounding social environment.
Just think about it....
What if you really couldn't hide anymore?Ahhhhhh, just the thought makes me want to go into D B Cooper
I'm not writing this to try to change anyone, that's not my intention. I would be a complete hypocrite if I went about boasting how to change what is already not broken. Introverts are the ones fueling society from behind the scenes as your eyes start to fast forward and scan past my disclaimer that I reworded special for this post.
-This post does contain affiliate links. I will be doing a power "yes" with the ole grade school cha-ching motion with the arm along with a huge smile if you click on one of these links. Even better if you make a purchase through one of these links for example if you click on an Amazon link but don't purchase that item but purchase another item that you were already going to be purchasing or its sitting in your cart already. I will receive a small commission at no additional expense to you and I will never see any of your information. How can you beat that?!
1. Conversations
Long pauses and moments of silence should not be taken as awkward! It's perfectly alright to not talk every second of the conversation. That's why introverts always remember the tiny details that people talking a mile a minute tend to forget that they even mentioned.2. Chameleon
Have you ever heard of an ambivert? Basically, this is when introverts appear to be an extrovert the superficially usually for a reason and someone who is an extrovert act like an introvert when they are alone usually also for a reason. As soon as someone knocks on the extroverts door while they are enjoying a binge session of TWDAmbiversion isn't exactly new, it's more of a middle ground between the two. Introverted entrepreneurs grasping to find an understandable way to explain their nature may, in fact, by using their adaptation skills but only when absolutely necessary. Since their mission in the world of business is highly fueled by positive energy the drive to succeed overrides any uncomfortable situations until accomplished. This confuses others as the shell is cracked finally to reveal.....a chameleon instead of a turtle.
3. Why?
This is probably the most frequently asked question once you reappear from your shell isn't is it?"Why were you absent from the universe all weekend?", "Are you ok?", "Why do you suddenly disappear?"
This goes into another realm that others just never seem to understand. Even after communicating appropriately
It's not even a suborbital space that can be defined as "ghosting" because you do actually appear again as if everything was how you left it. As we age, we get better and better at pulling this off and soon people realize that their "why?" question ends up answering itself as the brilliance appears. For those who are asking in the first place, "Why can you not understand that our battery recharging procedures are completely different?!" or you could just respond, "Why so serious?!"
4. Inside The Shell
So what exactly goes on inside this hiding zone? Well, after debriefing the daily spurts of unintended mental highjacking and depleting the energy stores that were in the reserve tank, most of us are exhausted. Thoughts of the day are highlighted as introverts are prone to think first then speak. As I replay conversations over in my head that I wished panned out better, I realize that some things are just out of my control and that is ok! Holding onto an internal locus of control is usually the best-kept secret!I'm going to leave this post short and sweet much like the previous introverted entrepreneur post. This post hopefully cleared up some of the misunderstood aspects of introversion related to entrepreneurs.
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