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Tips For Mixed Media Artists That Want To Make Money Series 3 - Part 2 -- Free Printable Included!

Tips For Mixed Media Artists That Want To Make Money Series 3 - Part 2 -- Free Printable Included!

Are you a creative entrepreneur, an artist, someone who just doesn't give up?

I'm so grateful that you found this post because that means that you are in the right spot yet again!

Hello everyone its, Rachel,  here to go over tips and secrets on how to craft your business so that its more successful and you drive more people to where you want them to go. As promised we are about to flip the business model canvas to find out how to build your brand as well as finding your true colors!

-This post may contain affiliate links. When a sale is rendered through one of these links, I receive a small commission at no additional expense to you.

Let's bring back the full view of the artist's business model canvas from Series 1 as well as a free printable so that you can follow along!

I just combined the pieces that form the main canvas and did not add in the additional customer segments as I wanted to avoid confusion. From this point, we are going to ignore the arrows and flip things around. I'm going to be using the basic outline from the model canvas with a modified artistic view specifically for the purpose of branding.

Here is what's really going on!

Flip the canvas by going towards the arrows on this one as I did in the image above. Instead of going towards the right side of this model we are going to start in the middle and go towards the left side before circling back towards the right.

Core Brand Message

With a few words as possible and only one image, what is your central message to the world? What makes you completely different that sets you apart from all of the other creative entrepreneurs? What is the main "take away" that you want to be remembered by? This is not the tagline part yet, this is just the message that you are trying to send to your audience. If it helps, write out a paragraph that no one has to ever see, this is just to get your mind in the right spot so that you can create something magnificent! Then create an image after reading that paragraph out loud that will represent the words that you wrote.

Take your time on this as the rest of the canvas is going to depend on this building block or it will completely crumble! For example, when I first began this process, I thought ok since I use authentic beach glass in my original canvas paintings I'll just throw a tagline on a picture that I took from the shoreline and everyone will understand......Wow, I was out in the deep water without a life preserver before I even started! It was also more baffling as I was being interviewed during a press conference that the reporter thought that I created jewelry from the beach glass then added it to my want to avoid a disaster like this at all costs! It turned out not being the worst thing in the worst just very awkward. However, I was thoroughly aware that my branding was not up to par!

Brand Tactics

How are you communicating your core brand message? This is the part where a tagline comes in. In one sentence or less, sum up your entire core brand message.

Brand Personality

This is where the fun begins! What is the tone and style of your core brand message? Is it trustworthy and understanding, or wild and ambitious, or abstracted and original? Doesn't have to be any of those but just to throw some ideas out to get the gears going! Below is a branding color grid that I learned back in the day during college, that I still use. Just food for thought as well as taking into consideration the colors that go with what you are creating. For instance, I use turquoise (blue tone) and Mars black because of the shores that I retrieve my beach glass as well as the dark of the night black when the moon appears that turns the waves the heaviest to represent my business in the color department.

Blue - Trust
Magenta - Compassion based on logic
Green - Compassion based on emotion
Brown - Down to Earth
Red - Take action, high energy
Orange - Social, optimistic
Silver - Mysterious
White - Unwritten, opportunities awaiting
Pink - Compassion based on Aphrodite reasoning from Greek mythology
Yellow - Analytical processes that need some speed, uplifting
Turquoise - Inspirational for communication
Indigo - Honest, hardworking usually with a set routine that your business operates on
Gold - Think of the wise old owl but it's wearing a crown because its a royal owl
Black - Use wisely and with caution as too much can be scary but just enough can give you the "oomph" that you were looking for
Grey - As long as you don't use 50 different shades you're good to go


How do you interact with your customers? Do you have a newsletter or a blog or something that you do within your community? You have to get yourself out there to be known. Not just pushing and promoting your creativeness but also sharing behind the scenes, works in progress, and teaching how you do what you're excellent at doing!


What is your budget for marketing purposes? Better yet, how much of your time are you putting into promoting your artworks and creative business?

Metrics For Success

How do you know what is working and what is not? Are people engaging after so many impressions through clicks or a purchase? KPI stands for key performance indicator, this can be measured by viewing Google Statistics, your advertising stats or if you are keeping track yourself. Ideally, you want to receive fewer impressions with more clicks or fewer visits with more views. This means that say for a hypothetical example, 1000 people viewed your Etsy shop, but there were only 20 visits....this is a pretty good ratio as "visits" yield entering your shop whereas "views" mean that they stayed in your shop and looked around at different items. It's important to keep track of such because if something isn't working after 3 days then you need to change it, don't wait around because time = money that could be in your pocket but it's not yet!


How do you want potential customers or commissions to communicate with you? Have you established yourself on at the least one social media outlet? I started out on Instagram as well as Pinterest, as these are the "go to" and recommended outlets for creative entrepreneurs and artists. I will be sincere though that I am loving Twitter more and more lately and would actually recommend Twitter over Instagram if you haven't set up base yet this direction!

Key Motivations

I cannot stress the fact enough that you must have something about your creative business and as an artist that sets you apart from the other million that are trying to pave a new path! Keep your eyes on your passion and don't let anything or anyone stand a chance to lure you away from your mission!

Customer Segments

Keep in mind the original customer segments that you can re-list in the printable worksheet that I provided to help keep you on track. Some advertising is going to be steered more towards a local community sometimes which will require more words within the content and less emphasis on the image. An ad that is generated towards an awareness aspect that is targeted for multiple locations is going to need fewer words and one picture that tells what you want them to do and very explicitly chosen.

I hope that this branding business model canvas that I presented in this post helps to further your business and your creative passion!


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