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How To Make a Breakthrough After Getting Rejected From a Juried Exhibition

How To Make a Breakthrough After Getting Rejected From a Juried Exhibition #art #museum #artist #artistsontwitter #artistsoninstagram #gallery

Have you submitted your artwork to a museum or a gallery with a smile believing that they would never lie straight to your face and that they really love your only later find out that they consider it a reject?

Did they market the event as a Spring art show or did a single juror call all of the shots of who made it or not?

Did you also know that there was more going on behind the scenes that seemed to not involve you at all?

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I'm here to tell you that there were more than one jurors present, yes that's right the museum or gallery you want your art included into so bad lied to you right from the start! If that's not the beginning of a bad relationship then please correct me if I'm mistaken!

Recently, I walked into the museum where submissions for art were taken just a few weeks prior with my future hubby as we both carried rather large boxes in our hands and made our way to the same area where I had dropped off my art for the exhibition in the first place. The front desk never stopped us, there were no "men in waiting" to tackle us, nor was there any staff that seemed to notice what was going on beyond a catering company setting up for some event as they were occupied with their water flutes not being in the correct spot on the tables (I am not kidding)!

As we made our way to the area where I suspected my art was hiding the entire 3-4 rooms were empty with loud echoes of our footprints. No art in sight, walls completely bare, and a fireplace that looked ancient. At this point, I started opening up what looked like closet doors attempting to get the attention of staff or perhaps anyone that could help. I assumed that their security was up to date and maybe someone could see us on the security cameras that looked more like motion detectors upon closer view. I was just trying to take my own art back to be hung on the walls within a few days somewhere else so others could actually appreciate it.

Guess what?!?

No alarms went off...   no security guards were anywhere even in the vicinity of the establishment.

When I opened the 3rd random closet looking door, I found my precious waterfall creation in a shipping room with about a dozen other artworks that were not chosen for the exhibition either.

I wasn't upset at this point actually, I was excited that I was rescuing it and as my future hubby and I left the building with two large boxes in hand the staff never once said a word to us......

As soon as we were both in the car I uttered, "that totally just felt like we completed an art heist of my own artworks".

As my opinion was shared, we drove off and I still have not heard a peep from the museum since.

Now let's get down to the solutions for you if your art was also denied!

1.) If the gallery/museum says that one juror will be choosing the artworks

Guess again!

That one juror might be the official person to say what the decision is, however, you better bet that art politics will be heavy during this and also a table of other jurors that are either students or volunteers or actual curators persuading that juror.

2.) Were they not able to give you a definitive reason why your art was not chosen?

As a general rule of business, if your art is ever considered as a reject for any reason always ask the question "why?".

If you are given the "run around" or if they state, "I can't remember exactly" then you are being taken advantage of and you need to politely keep asking until you get an answer and try to contact someone else who might know.

You absolutely must ask because in order to improve your chances at other shows or juried exhibitions you need to get a good idea of the process that it took to get the artworks that were chosen hung upon the walls.

3.) When you view the chosen artworks on exhibit were you even more confused?

If you view the exhibit and saw which ones were chosen while scratching your head you are not alone. As I saw the chosen obscure artworks, I knew that many of them broke the barrier of the rules such as they were supposed to have been created this year 2018 and many were from 2014 and 2016.

I'm all about breaking rules, but not these kinds of rules. Breaking rules of this kind are just bad business, but I don't expect much from a museum that doesn't even have proper security.

4.) Spring and fall art shows are money makers...

These are shows that are geared towards generating increased income for the venue having the show, they typically offer little in return for the artists in the monetary department.

For the artist, it's more about getting their art appreciated and noticed rather than creating an income stream.

5.) Go to the awards ceremony 

Many times if your art was denied from the exhibition you will still be invited to the awards ceremony and the private viewing.

Try to muster up the spirit to go!


Depending on the venue, you may still receive an award even if your art did not make it up on their walls. Even if you don't get an award, you will get the chance to network with other artists and future opportunities may arrive. Art buyers and companies looking for art to either rent or buy are sometimes present and you better bet there will also be someone there that knows how to get your art hung in other places so be ready to professionally mingle with a business card handy.


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