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Feature Thursday! 5 Best Blogs: Lifestyle & Influential Missions

Feature Thursday! 5 Best Blogs: Multiple Topics On a Mission #ontheblog #bloggers

This week for Feature Thursday, the theme is Lifestyle & Influential Missions. Rachel Town, a creative, entrepreneurial blogger, has chosen 5 of the best bloggers who made the cut this week regarding various topics that resonate their mission and give an accurate portrayal of certain aspects within the world.

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1.) Word From The Bird, Beautiful multi-topic (family, inner beauty, adventure, environment, and shell) blog, written by Hillary

7 Things You Should Never Say To Your Spouse, is a well-written post published on April 16, 2018, therefore very recently. This blogger's post stays right to the heart while communicating relational necessities to efficiently communicate with your significant other. What Men Truly Want and Need, is another post that I found very influential and informative to read.

Why I chose this blog: The topics on this blog resonate an awareness that can only be achieved once you step back and look at everything from a different perspective. To get into this mindset, Hillary does a beautiful job to help you without coming out and saying a word about such. I knew her honest and brilliant posts were all resonating energy of positivity. However, it wasn't until I landed on, Identifying the Lies You Believe, that I knew I should be sharing this blog further!

2.) Melanie J. Sparks, copywriter, entrepreneurial influential blog, written by Melanie J. Sparks

Ms. Sparks puts things on the business side very bluntly and into a perspective that other entrepreneurial bloggers have a difficult time finding words to express upon. This woman's mission and vision evokes a high level of emotional intelligence and isn't afraid to show what she knows. After a particular point in time when your business starts to scale, you will find that you just cannot do everything yourself. When I saw her post, What I've Learned About Being The Boss, I was happily floored! She lays it all out there with the best honest and candid beginning to wtf moment in blogging history in such a meaningful way that I had to entirely share this!

Why I chose this blog: Her message across her entire website led me to select this blog because its consistent in her words, with what she shares, and has to offer. She inspires with phrases that I keep repeating to others since I crossed paths with her content such as, "No one has all the answers, let alone the right answers for your business." This conversion copywriter's post under her Work With Me tab on her website is a beautifully designed page that I suggest you go check out!

3.) Between The Boards & Bay, lifestyle blog, written by Nicole Bergman

I absolutely loved how this woman promoted the initiative for shopping local. In her spotlight series, Local Women Entrepreneurs, she featured three women and what each has to offer the world. Another spotlight series post, Beginnings restaurant, tells you how to get there, what they have to offer, and its a local dining experience in her area that is family friendly and one of a kind. This is a such a great idea I never even thought of! As bloggers, most of us probably do not live anywhere near each other therefore spreading the word of local venues, restaurants, and other entrepreneurs in a way such as this blogger does are the keys to building a broader awareness and reaching further than you can imagine. I now want to visit this area and check these things out myself!

Why I chose this blog: Ms. Bergman has a nice assortment of topics on her blog with many photos that make things really fun and engaging. Her Art area is influential as she doesn't just post a bunch of stuff for sale but shares her creativity with the world! My favorite is her charcoal collage sketch!

4.) Boho Minimalism, minimalist momtrepreneur blog, written by Tabbie

This blogger gives an excellent bullet journal guide, in her Bullet Journals Must-Have Pages post. As I ventured into the world of bullet journaling, I realized that not everyone knows how to utilize these crafty tools to their benefit. After setting out on a mission to find a blogger that explains the increase of productivity after creating one, I found this blog! If you don't have a bullet journal going yet, head on over to her post, How To Start a Bullet Journal and she will give you the tips you need to keep everything organized and where to start!

Why I chose this blog: With three pages under the tab labeled, The WHY, I couldn't help but to really enjoy going to this bloggers website as I kept smiling and nodding my head in agreement. She has everything put together very nicely and in a useful way. If you have ever read a self-help book about life in general and the meaning of life, then you will understand and adore this bloggers approach!

5.) Chronic Mom Life, balancing mind, body, and spirit blog, written by Marya

I read a meme someone had posted on Facebook the other day about how people hate reading blog posts about losing weight with a title cover image of a fantasized version of life. This blogger keeps it very real and down to Earth with, How to Start Walking for Weight Loss. She doesn't overly dramatize a fad workout nor does she claim that you will lose 100s of pounds in a day.

Why I chose this blog: This blog has so many areas that are very interesting to read and uplifting that I wanted to share with everyone how awesome this is! 5 Positive Podcasts To Improve Your Mindset, which tells you why a podcast is a great idea when you're down on your luck as well as if you listen to a few of them, it really does give you a different viewpoint of how beautiful the world actually is. Since I'm also a parent of a child with special needs, I found that this blogger's mission in life was heartfelt and trustworthy!



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