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Tips For Mixed Media Artists Who Want To Make Money Series 3 - Part 4 -- Essentials For Your Brand with Free Sample

I'm very pleased to see that you have made it to the last part of this Series 3! You've come a long way since the beginning of Series 1! Along this journey you have creatively expanded your horizon line into branding and flipped the business model canvas to find what is best for your business. I want to share with you the essential resources to launch your brand into this realm and when exactly to use each resource. I saved this for the last post of this series because you are finally ready to cross the bridge into what you have always dreamed of!

-This post contains affiliate links. To read further about this please visit my disclaimer and resources pages.

The definition of branding is much the same in all markets. A more artsy definition I created can be viewed below:


verb gerund or present participle: branding

(My definition of this) Mentally linking your art and creations that you have masterminded diligently and produced passionately, with an element that communicates to your following letting them know that it's you behind the scenes.

Imagine for a minute...

Opening your mailbox that resides outside (not in the virtual world) to receive a surprise other than bills or that you ordered they shoved in the mailbox that you were watching the porch for.

This is called direct mail advertising.

This method of advertising communicates your brand to the following that you already have to keep them in the loop. This can be extremely effective when used properly! In order to do this, I am going to let you in on a few secrets. 1.) Do not "cold" mail to anyone off of your targeted niche audience list, this is not the time or place for this 2.) Must be something on heavy professional card stock with a high gloss finish including a call to action, or an incentive to further investigate why you are sending it to them in the mail.

To experience what a difference I'm talking about click here and enter your business information to receive a free sample pack.

Overnight Prints does a beautiful job with integrating your list that you have compiled for a direct mailing approach so that you don't have to do the mailing yourself.

Wait I'm not done!

I mentioned not to "cold" mail to your entire mailing list or potential buyers. Let me elaborate further!

Who to include: Established customers, galleries that you have applied to and haven't heard from yet, existing completed commissions, anyone who has attended a community art event or class that you hosted and you received their address on your sign-in sheet after properly asking if you may contact them in the future.

When should you use this: Spring and/or early summer, when you are running a promotional event in person, if you will be on display in an upcoming art show, prior to a sales discount or an exclusive coupon code, when you are teaching a new community art class, prior to your art going on any exhibit.

Press Releases

In the world of art, some press releases you have to write yourself and then there are others that you will be interviewed for or included in. Always utilize your branding consistently across all of your advertising campaigns! If the mere thought of drafting a press release that brings out the essence of your brand intimidates you, do not take this lightly and seek professional help!

This is something that I recommend investing in if there is an ounce of uncertainty!


Anything written about your business needs to be compelling enough that whoever is reading it is already saying yes in their head before reading the call to action! Sometimes getting assistance and seeing how its done helps so that instead of taking a gamble with your business reputation on the first entry to market you are fully prepared. After the initial published release is printed you will see how to start creating your own content and tone so that you are writing quality branded content that will increase your reach and awareness!

Social engineering

Within the world of creative business politics, not to be confused with the security world, as I would never recommend manipulating for information. This is the idea that as a creative entrepreneur, artist, and creator, you develop the social structure of what is going to be on the next level instead of going with what society already engages and uses by setting up the building blocks for your targeted audience so that they didn't know they actually needed what you are offering. When they are without what you are selling they feel as if they don't just want it anymore but they actually cannot live without it.

Your brand is vital to when you are setting up the building blocks for them. You are not just selling them your artworks, you are selling them a journey!

Is this ethical and necessary?

Yes, advertising your art with your brand should have the end goal to sell eventually while building your reputation. At times emotionally you may feel as if you are steering too rapid however, you will gradually become more confident with each sale once your awareness and traffic increases!

I hope that you enjoyed Series 3 for Mixed Media Artists Who Want To Make Money! Follow me on Twitter!


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