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Stress/Distraction Cycle - How To Break It So You Make It

Stress/Distraction Cycle - How To Break It So You Make It #blogger #ontheblog #entrepreneur

The stress/distraction cycle has become more frequent in the last ten years as computer screens, tablets, cell phones, touch screen watches, and plenty of other digital devices have compounded our world with constant information. Stressed out we tend to prioritize unconsciously any distraction before giving the logic part of the brain a conscious choice to proceed with decisions.

Do you ever find yourself saying "yes" when you should have just said "no" knowing you have too much on your business plate already? To not have enough time to do what you said "yes" to or the energy you keep on trucking through it anyways with a half-***ed attempt. Are other people's requests starting to feel like passive-aggressive attacks on you? Its OK I understand entirely, when you may be feeling misunderstood on your mission. I want to warn you though...

This could potentially be detrimental to a small business owner, creative entrepreneur, artist, or anyone trying to further their career. If you work from home it becomes even more of a struggle. However, some obligations just cannot be bypassed.

I'm not speaking of the typical responsibilities such as laundry, getting your taxes filed on time, or loading the dishwasher (which I don't have so I'm totally envious if you have one). I'm talking about when your schedule is so super jammed even after scheduling a "me" time its still just not enough that you can barely come up for a breath of fresh air.

As a creative entrepreneur, starting on the journey was a struggle, and in hindsight, it was my own doing. I was caught up in this cycle a few times I hate to admit. When voicing this to other artists, I was vehemently surprised to find that this stress/distraction cycle is much more prevalent than I imagined.

-This post contains affiliate links from Saucey which is a company that delivers alcoholic beverages right to your door in a short amount of time. I am affiliated with this company and will receive a small commission if you click one of the advertisements within this post and utilize their service and products. There are no additional expenses to you when you purchase through one of these links and the discounts are exclusive from affiliates only.

Emotional Intelligence

Being aware how you feel and how you might react in certain situations, the ability to see what other's actually mean with their actions, and taking a mental walk in their shoes even if voiced to a friend. This is all grouped together with a fancy phrase called emotional intelligence. I'm not a brain surgeon or psychiatrist, but I can tell when someone is having a bad day and I'm sure you can also. The ability for absolutely everyone to adhere to this, however, is vastly minimal. It's important to step outside of the bubble though and recognize how other's are feeling. You can't do this by asking them. You do this by reading their physical actions and facial expressions along with the tone of their verbal response. Hard to do when you have a million and ten things to get done!

Prioritize strategically

I've learned to be more upfront with people and to just tell them I cannot do it this week when I seriously cannot commit to something. It's better to just admit that you actually are super busy rather than to say you'll do something they never live up to doing it. Think about your accountability and strengthening it further by doing this. You cannot please everyone there will anyways be someone out there that isn't happy.

Saucey: Alcohol Delivered To Your Door. No Delivery Fees. No Minimums.

You don't have to say, "yes" to everything

Its ok to say, "no" politely without an excuse or apology to follow. No, only can mean, no! If the other person doesn't press further don't offer an explanation just go about your business.

I had a terrible time with this in the beginning. I wanted to further my career as quickly as humanly possible of course like any entrepreneur. I've learned the precious virtue that patience does take a delicate persistence that links back to your very core and cannot be rushed.

Saucey: Alcohol Delivered To Your Door. No Delivery Fees. No Minimums.

Take your power back

There will be a point in the 4-6 month period of time when you are just starting out that you will stop listening to others' doubts and rapid demands. You will begin to see the sprouts of your labor that are not ready to bloom yet. These sprouts will be enough to give you the momentum to make wiser business related choices though. Others might not again catch on. However, they will notice a positive change in your energy. Use this energy to your advantage!

Use it to improve

As I put together this post, I wrote it more for other creative entrepreneurs, the highlights of advice can be used across any profession though. 
This post is somewhat short and sweet as I wanted to keep it to the point. Keep slaying your goals and check out my website when you get a chance!


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