Tips For Mixed Media Artists That Want To Make Money Series 3 - Part 1.0 -- Value Proposition Harvest For Branding!
Are you an artist that is spinning their wheels and have already begun to establish your online presence but it's not going as well as planned?
Creative entrepreneurs, you are about to embark on a brave journey through an innovative approach I'm going to call a value proposition harvest.
Before we head off in that direction, I want to apologize as this post is going to be super short. When I originally wrote this, I tried to get it posted before the time that I had promised you. Not making excuses. However, I remember spending the majority of that morning repurposing the content on my resources page to have my computer crash in the middle and none of my progress saved. It was devastating! However, everything happens for a reason, and I ended up getting everything updated on it but then it severely cut into the time I had planned to write this!
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Value proposition harvest
This is the critical element that I wanted to introduce to you at the beginning of this Series 3.
What this is
I'm going to reference back to the Business Model Canvas. Within the business model in the very middle box, there was a spot where you put in all of your business core values.Your artist core values and business core values are what makes you stand out from the crowd and what standards you want to communicate that your artworks will have to live up to. This is where you are going to begin branding yourself and your creative artworks. You should be geared towards selling a journey, not the end product. Ultimately, I will walk you through this step by step to shape it into something functional that you will be able to use to your advantage. Before I sign off on this short post, I'm going to leave you with a question to think deeply about.
How do you want to be remembered across the globe if all electricity and internet availability was shut down and we were in a gridlock?
To continue reading further on this topic please jump over to Part 1.1 where I will keep going on this topic!
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