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Introverted Entrepreneurs - Tips For More Success

Are you super shy and find it difficult to break free from your introverted shell even though you run a business? Do you gain most of your energy from being in your own bubble and feel as if you need to recharge after being around a lot of people? I completely understand the difficulties of needing alone time to regenerate your battery after going above and beyond all day. This post is not about trying to ditch the turtle natural instinct that you’ve grown accustomed to and adapt to better ways as introversion is not always a negative thing. Are those "better ways" actually better anyway?

Who said that introversion was anything less than awesome? Change of any kind is one of the most resisted norms within the human race. We like things to be the same which is calming but when you get into habits that may not serve you anymore then it’s time to shed that old pattern of behavior and find a new refreshed updated version that increases your liveliness

Bloggers, artists, and entrepreneurs are well aware of the extroversion that it takes to keep everything going in order to be a profitable business. If you are introverted naturally like I am and it’s really difficult to be more extroverted out of nowhere without a purpose to even go about doing so. There are plenty of times when my introversion has increased my own profitability as well as hindered some success that could have been achieved a lot faster if I had just bit the bullet and put myself out there, however, making me feel extremely exposed and uncomfortable. That feeling doesn’t last though when your views and stats start to dramatically increase, the win-win situation outweighs the anxiousness prior. Getting to that point though is another story!

As I’m writing this blog post, I decided to venture outside with my laptop to a public spot and attempt to write this while surrounded by many others at the local Dunkin’ Donuts. As I am nowhere near close to being done yet and I’ve been here for almost an hour, I cannot believe how drained I feel from all of the noise, the people that have come over and chitchatted that I knew, and how many times I have lost my train of thought and had to reword the sentence before I even finished it. Wow, that probably just sounded horrible but if you are a true introvert you know exactly what I mean! Since I’m a more tactile processor (I digest information faster if I have a pen in my hand, I also talk with my hands yes I’m one of ‘those’ people) I started making a list that I want to share with you about keeping your introversion at its peak while retreating at the right times to increase your profitability. This post contains affiliate links. If clicked and a sale/service is rendered, I receive a small commission at no additional expense to you.

1.) Schedule 10-20 minutes of a "me" break daily. Write this "me" break into your schedule and set an alarm for it as if its an extremely important meeting. Reading is an awesome thing to do during this break time. Some recommended entrepreneur books include The Introvert Entrepreneur: Amplify Your Strengths and Create Success on Your Own Terms, The Introvert's Edge: How the Quiet and Shy Can Outsell Anyone, and Don't Take the Last Donut: New Rules of Business Etiquette.

2.) Do a quick brief on your schedule once a week and cut out unnecessary habits that could be done better when there aren't as many people around. I realized that I will not be going to Dunkin' Donuts anymore to write a blog post as its just too distracting. After reading Misty Anderson's, How I Schedule My Week To Be More Productive, another fellow blogger and branding coach, I've learned to weave transition tasks in between priority tasks to give more time to process things that take up a larger portion of mental real-estate.

3.) When I first began blogging, I was lucky enough to cross paths with another blogger who put this topic into my realm. I’ve been contemplating about writing a post specifically about this since I read Creating Beautifully a blog written by a woman named Jules who offers quietly coaching in this area as well as many other resources that might be helpful. She crafts all of her blog posts very creatively and helpful so I highly recommend checking her blog out!

Tailwind Visual Marketing Suite

4.) Virtually schedule your Instagram and Pinterest posts with Tailwind. If you've never heard of Tailwind, click on the link and get a free month with my referral code when you sign-up with either your Instagram or Pinterest account. Both have been a huge time saver which freed up some space enough to schedule a "me" break that I suggested above. Tailwind lets you choose your own time slots or they will even show you the best times to post at and after you join a few tribes you just post your pins to the tribe and post other tribe member's pins to your schedule that fit into your different Pinterest board themes and no more worries which are a total win-win!

5.) Being introverted gives us the power to be awesome listeners. Use this to your advantage! When you meet someone new remember their name. If you are able to use their name three times within three minutes of speaking to them it's easier to remember. "Very nice to meet you Sydney", "What type of art are you familiar with Sydney?", "See you next week Sydney!" See how I weaved their name into the conversation which helps to link the brain to the moment with the name. When you see them again in the future use their name in your greeting. This goes a long way! Even better if you can remember something specific about them that they told you during your conversation.

I hope that this blog post even though rather short but sweet gives you some encouragement to use your introverted powers to their full advantage! If you run out of stuff to do during your "me" time, visit my website!


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