Are you an artist who uses different types of mediums in your artwork?
If so, that's awesome! Have you been wondering how to market your artwork and start making money other than arts/crafts shows that make you work twice as hard?
If you answered, yes, to the above then you're in the right spot!
Hi, I'm Rachel, a mixed media artist as well! I love it and the creativity that transpires from it! When I first started in the art world, I was quickly running straight up against a brick wall and heading downhill quickly into the negatives profit-wise....that is until one day I decided to pop my own introverted bubble and start selling my masterpieces and understanding the powers of social media, local networking, Pinterest, SEO, affiliate marketing and the backbone of my entire business Vango Art where my art is for sale.
---This post contains affiliate advertising links. These are links that will open in another tab on your web browser if clicked.
I'm not going to make any fake promises as this is going to require you to put in the footwork yourself and as I believe promising anyone anything in the world of business is just deceitful marketing. I will empower you, however, and would love to see you blossom!
This is Series 1 of a 4 part series on this topic!
I will not get to all of the areas that I mention in this first post, however, in the next week you can guarantee (which is not a promise a guarantee is above a promise....ever notice when a corporation is absolutely certain of their quality and offer 100% satisfaction or money back guaranteed) that all the details will be out there for you to absorb. Its a lot of information and a lot to think about so I broke everything up into pieces similar to the beach glass pieces I love collecting!I'm going to share with you some tips on how to market and make more money from being a mixed media artist in a non-business-sleazy and non-side-hustle way! Not only through Pinterest but also how to get out into your own community and open up to others who would love to showcase your mixed media art and the difference that it really makes!
I believe that fellow artisans should never sell themselves short! Upon attending (after being invited by the host) my first arts/crafts show I realized that not only I did not have the time to keep investing in these shows but also everyone there in the fine art and mixed media art market was either a "side hustle" or selling themselves out thinking they made bank at the end of the day....when in reality I sold one of my artworks while beach glass hunting one day for 10x's what the artisans at the craft show were charging!
I'm going to let you process that for a minute! read it correctly....
I go beach glass hunting every day with my 4-year-old son as part of my mixed media art business. My son has autism spectrum disorder and the sound of the waves soothes his supersonic sensory hearing and has refined his fine motor skills as he picks up pieces of beach glass and adds them to my container similar to adding a coin in a gumball machine but much more exciting! More on that topic in the future....Anyways....One day while at the beach a fellow beach treasure hunter (who is also at the shore every day) asked for my business card and a sale was completed 3 days later. I personally delivered it when I went back to that same local beach just as my son and I do every day!
How did this happen and what does this have anything to do with what I just explained that this post was going to reveal to you?
Keep reading!
I did not use any hidden tricks or crazy reverse psychology....
I was simply real and authentic!
Was this easy?
Not by any stretch of the imagination....
Because as I've learned over the years, most people have a difficult time being completely real and authentic especially at face value. Its easier to hide behind any number of social casualties including drama, over exaggeration, talking about pointless topics that do not move the conversation anywhere towards what you're super awesome at doing, changing the topic during the conversation and playing "word volleyball" when you can get a word in edgewise, gossiping, etc. I think you get the point here which doesn't even hit the tip of the iceberg when adding in physical boundaries such as work, people constantly being on their phones, people constantly not being on their phones, binge-watching the latest season of x,y, and don't forget about z!
My point is that this transaction was more than just any transaction....
It was someone who connected to the story of my life which is 100% authentic and not a bit dramatized although sometimes I wish I was making some of it up, I don't think I could!
The story of your own life ends up coming out in your artworks whether you want it to your not. No matter how many years you went to school for or how many years you didnt go to school for I'm sorry to tell you that your subconscious will leak through your canvas and any potential buyer will smell your uncured varnish a mile before you even start!
This is the exact reason why....
I want to encourage you....
To take a few days off from painting, sketching, pouring, mixing, collecting and find your "muse".
I can already hear the banter that's running wild in your head!
"I need to keep creating! I need to make money"
"I don't have time for that!"
Or do you?
I was saying the exact same thing a while ago when I was starting to hit a proverbial wall with ideas with not only marketing but also creating plus with a few aspects within a painting I was in the middle of at the time that I just didn't feel like I was portraying it the way I wanted.
When I took the time to give myself a few days break, I was able to reset the clock and I felt alive again!
What did I do during this time?

I had made a list ahead of my scheduled break of things to accomplish during that time that had nothing to do with art and everything to do with getting out of my comfy zone!
I will share this list in the second series coming soon!
The reason why I am not sharing it in this first series post is because I want you to come up with your own list first! As I don't expect you to just take a few days off after reading this, just putting the idea out there before setting it into motion is a start in the correct direction.
Some thoughts to ponder further about this....
What if those few days of discovery end up getting you further than exhaustedly staying up late and still not producing results you really want? What if it means making a sale while you're standing in line next week at the coffee shop? Or receiving an offer for even a small town venue that's willing to sponsor your online business and showcase your artwork on their premises?
I believe that these answers will arrive in your mental inbox soon! In Part 2 of this series, get ready to take a huge jump into the money pile that you will soon be creating!
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