Jingle Bells Batman Smells Robin Laid an Egg! Does anyone else hate Xmas? It’s not that I don't care about the season but when it starts after Halloween it gets quite annoying by the time it’s here. The more I considered this topic before putting this post together, I realized that a lot of people share this same feeling. As an adult, the sentimental feelings of joy and presents are filled with stress and lots of coffee leading up to the actual day.
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1.) What's the Meaning again?
Jesus is probably pissed at corporate America! How dare discounts and gifts of random stuff take over his birthday! The nerve of those bandits trying to steal his replica baby image from the manger every year. Those fake smiles around the relatives that you only see once in a millennial are fabulous as well!
2.) Too much good food at once with too many socially awkward people you don't normally see
The most popular New Year’s resolution didn't become so popular over a whole year
OMG those cookies look soooooo.... goodddd......
Just one, ok maybe ten won't hurt....
This feast of awkward conversations tastes much better with gravy!
I think I might just have one more glass of champagne, cousin ***** is at the punch bowl again I'll just chit chat for a minute so it’s not as noticeable that it’s my 4th glass....
The next morning totally sucks when you check your dieting app on your phone to see that you've made a huge 2000 calorie mistake!
For the last 3 years I would tie a Christmas card with $20 cash enclosed and a ribbon on the garbage can handle the week before Xmas for the garbage man. I used to really respect the man who had such a dirty job until I saw the bill in January that he had charged double for the excess Christmas waste he didn't in the years prior. Call me a Grinch but he does not get an Xmas gift anymore!
4.) McDonald’s completely messing up orders worse than normal
I ordered a 4-piece Happy Meal with Sweet n Sour sauce not a cheeseburger with milk. Heck no, I'm not getting back in the ridiculous line but the survey I just took of yours will be very interesting when the manager sees what I put in the comments!
It’s so not fair that one day of the year costs so much! A lot of people are cancelling Xmas get together and just not doing gifts anymore. I don't blame them! The food, the beverages, the gifts, the decorations, the time to wrap everything, the wrapping essentials themselves and put the whole thing together is such a pocketbook drain!
6.) Gifting Faux Pas
It’s always nice to give and receive presents and see the smile on someone's face after they just opened something they were pleasantly expecting. Except when you didn't get that person anything and that smile isn’t reciprocated and hurt ensues. People get left out or forgotten about its not a good time anymore. Even with an "oh crap I forgot" gift left out of sight in case someone shows up unexpected they are going to know it wasn't a planned and well thought out present.
7.) Ship load of family drama
I thought I was the only one with family craziness until I started telling others about it and researching with Google! For some reason the added holiday stress brings out the crazy in everyone.
Fond memories of studying next to an artificial Christmas tree with built in lights as my roommate wanted the overhead light off so she could sleep. Ahhhh, bahhhh humbug! Ever since then when I go to decorate for the season I cannot help but also think about the added stress those professors always added at the end of the year.
9.) Mile-long lines at stores
It gets worse as the season goes on! Totally sucks when you've stood in line for super long with a crying toddler for the self-check out then when its finally your turn a screen pops up to warn you that it’s not accepting cash or cashback. So, you wait in another line for 30 minutes and the checkout lady smiles with a big fake grin and pretends she has no idea what you're talking about.
If you also get annoyed this time of year, you are not alone! Hope you enjoyed this post! Add me on Instagram @beachglasslove2
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